Fruit on Keto

Inevitably when it comes to the keto diet, the question many people have is can I have fruit? 

The answer is, YES!

You don’t have to give up fruit completely just because you’re eating keto. Fruit is a natural part of a healthy diet and offers so many health benefits. On keto it’s important to be mindful of your macronutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. But with respect to your health, it’s also important to eat foods that are nutrient-dense and full of micronutrients.

The keto diet does focus on low-carb eating, but if you make smart choices, the fruit will work with you and not against you. It’s best to choose low carb fruits, which means that some fruits are going to be better options than others. Not all fruits are created equal in this sense. There seems to be an idea that if you want to stay in ketosis, you have to avoid all fruits, but that’s just not the case. 

The key is to choose fruits that have the right carb/fiber balance. 

Let’s take a look at some fruits and their carbohydrates amounts!

Berries are a great option for the keto dieter!

 For 100g the carb count is fairly low. Berries are loaded with antioxidants, are high in fiber, high in vitamin C, fight inflammation, help your skin and the list goes on. These are very easy to fit into your macro’s and well worth the carb count! I add blueberries into my smoothie daily! I have a list of the 5 must have foods I eat daily on keto if you’d like to check it out.

Berries are the best option for low carbohydrate fruits but that doesn’t mean they are the only option! 

As you can see there are many fruits you can incorporate into your keto day.  Again all values above are using 100 g per serving and are showing the net carb amounts. 


To help stay on track and accurately measure out portions I love using a food scale. I don’t think it’s something you have to use, but it helped teach me what portion amounts should look like. 

Using just a measuring cup might give you an inaccurate amount. It could be easy to go over with your portion, and in turn go over your carb count. 

Using the food scale just insures your staying low carb and keeping your keto goals in check.

In addition to the food scale, using a calorie tracking app ensures you stay on track with calories and macros. Again this helps you see where you stand with your macros and allows you to learn the types and amounts of foods that work for you. 

It can be eye opening to track your day of eating and see the total calories and macros your consuming. Before using the app Lose It, I was under-eating without realizing it! Which can be a hindrance for weight loss as well. 

The combination of a food scale and a food tracking app help to show what a realistic day of eating should look like.


When it comes to consuming fruit, just remember that the keto can offer some flexibility. With the right portions and the right type, there is no reason fruit can’t be enjoyed on keto. 

Just choose the foods that give you the lowest amount of carbs for the biggest health benefits. 

Get the most “Fruit-Bang” for you” Carb-Buck!”

Please share your favorite keto-friendly fruits and how you like to enjoy them