5 Reasons Keto is the Best Diet Choice

Whenever someone is considering a diet plan, there are several questions that come to mind. 

  • How fast the weight will come off?
  • Will it be sustianable?
  • How it will impact their life?


My Keto Story

Before I go into the 5 reasons I think Keto is the best diet choice, I would like to share my story. Many of us can relate to being on  diets and struggling with results. I have been on a health and wellness journey for over a decade. I have tried countless methods but keto  has been the first diet to really change my body composition. I’ve lost FAT, not just weight. I have more  energy and mental focus  And now that I’m fat-adapted I practice intermittent fasting and eat 2 large meals a day versus 5-6.  Prior to eating keto, I was constantly hangry and the scale was STALLED! Now I have freedom! I am able to go hours and feel satisfied. And, I spend far less time preparing and/or eating food. 

We have all heard the saying, abs are made in the kitchen. This is so true. The right diet is key to success. I spent years killing myself with long, hard workouts and cardio sessions. I tried “resetting my metabolism” with a reverse diet. This is where you slowly increase your macronutrients to allow body to adapt to more calories. Then you are able to reduce and lose weight on a much higher caloric amount. I was never obese but I was not able to see progress.

Then I tried Keto. Within two weeks I was down almost 10lbs. Most of that was water weight but it was a great motivator. My digestion was better and I didn’t have any bloating after eating. Which prior to keto happened after every meal. Fast forward 6 months later and I am leaner than before I had my son. At 40 years old and a mom, I have the best body I have ever had.

Keto has given me freedom. I’ve dropped weight easily, am satiated for hours and again my energy is better than ever!

As a mom to busy toddler that alone is worth the price of admission.

WHy is keto the top diet choice


Keto is a top choice of diet these days and for good reason.  This diet offers weight loss and so much more. When you become ketogenic your body uses fat as fuel instead of carbs. Using carbohydrates is like using standard gas whereas using fats are like jet fuel! Your body is like a hybrid car and can adapt to whichever fuel source you give it. 

Why not run on jet fuel! 

Why not have more energy, sustained energy and satiety, more fat loss-less fat storage, more mental clarity and less chance for chronic illness. When faced with all of the benefits of the keto diet, it was an easy decision for me.

Let me share with you my top five reasons I think keto is the best diet choice!

#1. Flavorful Foods

The first reason I think keto the best choice is that you don’t have to give up flavorful foods. If you’ve ever been on a low-calorie diet or low-fat plan, you’ll understand how bland those foods can taste. But Keto allows you to keep the fat and flavor in your diet, so you’re not banned from having cheese, flavorful, fatty meats or other delicious fats like oil or butter. Every meal is enjoyable and leaves you satisfied! Check out my top five keto foods  or how to enjoy fruit on keto!

#2. It doesn't Feel like diet

The second reason is that you don’t feel like your on a “diet”. Hunger is one thing that can turn dieters away from a plan. That won’t be a problem on a Keto diet. The fact that you can have fat in your diet means you’ll always be satisfied and never feel like you’re deprived.

In fact, most people find they are able to go longer periods between meals. This is much easier to manage than trying to plan out and get in 6 meals a day. Eventually, you’re able to implement intermittent fasting.

Intermittent Fasting is another game-changer for weight loss and overall health.

When you are able to take a break from eating, your body can start a process called autophagy which basically means it’s “cleaning house”. It gets rid of dead or dysfunctional cells. The body then uses waste produced inside cells to create new building blocks that aid with repair and regeneration. Getting rid of those cells prevents disease and building new cells helps with anti-aging. 

So let’s recap!

    • Fat loss – CHECK
    • Disease prevention – CHECK
    • Anti-aging – CHECK


I could stop here but I promised 5 reasons so let’s move on to number 3!

#3. Fast Results

The third reason Keto is a hot choice is the weight loss is FAST. When you’re following a keto plan, the weight melts off quickly because your body is burning fat stores instead of carbs for fuel. 

Everyone loves seeing progress and trust me with keto things happen quickly. 

Eliminating sugar and starches help to eliminate water retention and relieve inflammation. Once you’re fat-adapted, your body begins using its own fat stores for energy. And the fat your consuming is more likely to be used as energy than stored. It’s easy to stay motivated and continue on your journey when your seeing those physical changes.

#4. Easy to Modify

The fourth reason keto might be the plan you choose is that it’s easy to modify anywhere. Being on a diet is hard enough. Having to follow a difficult plan when you’re eating out,  traveling or visiting friends and family makes you want to quit. 

But with keto, you can easily order off any menu and have a simple, low-carb, ketogenic meal. When you leave off the breading and sauces, stick to meats, some healthy fats and low carb vegetable, you’ll easily stay on plan. 

In fact many restaurants are offering low carb/keto options now. Bunless burgers, sushi wrapped in cucumber, and endless salad options. Being able to stay on your plan and enjoy life is critical to maintaining any program!

#5. It's Not all or nothing

It’s not all or nothing with keto! This is the fifth reason I love this way of life. You can modify and adjust your carb intake to allow you to maintain your weight loss. Once your fat-adapted, and especially if your incorporating intermittent fasting, your body will stay in a ketogenic state.  This allows you to have 50-100 carbs per day and still stay in ketosis. Not only will you be able to stay lean but you’ll also reap all the mental and physical benefits keto has to offer.

FInal thoughts

I want to sum things up by saying while I love keto,  it’s important to listen to your own body.

We are omnivores and can eat a in a variety of ways. What works for some, may not with others. I am not a doctor, but a woman who spent 10 years researching and experimenting. I am still learning and taking courses.

My advice to anyone is to do the same. Research, then implement and take stock in how you feel. There is so much science to back up the benefits of keto, and it’s the main reason I follow it. 

But I also have never felt better. At 40, and a new mom, I have the energy and the body of a 25-year-old. This is why I’m keto!

I am certified as a keto dietary advisor and am working on some great programs to help people start their keto journey! Stay tuned for that!

In the meantime, I would love to answer any questions or hear your successes with keto!