Hot Momma Workout

Fitness has been apart of my life for over a decade now. It has helped transform my body, but more importantly, it keeps me SANE. Fitness is the only thing that has helped my anxiety, depression and it’s given me a strong sense of self. 

It has been transformative in every facet of who I am.

I knew I wanted to stay active when I was pregnant and after I had my baby. I also knew my routine would have to change. Two things any parent will tell you they have less of with kids is SLEEP and TIMEI was an avid gym goer before having my son, spending 1 hour or more, 6 days a week working out. 

These days are a bit different.

I workout from home 4 days a week for 30-45 minutes and I’m fitter now than I have ever been. I weight less and have more muscle than I did before I had my son. Diet plays a big part, and you can read about the diet I follow here. But working out is critical. Especially incorporating weight training. You can read all about why women should weight train here.

I wanted to share my workout to help moms who want to get fit but aren’t sure where to start.  I know it’s hard to find time for ourselves, but this workout is only 3 days a week and should take 20-30 minutes. Set your alarm a little earlier, or plan to workout while the baby is napping, or have baby join in! Taking care of yourself will only help you be a better, happier momma. Plus it’s a great example to set for your little one!

Hot Momma Workout Program

The Breakdown

  • 3 different resistance workouts to be done on non-consecutive days. 

  • Each workout consists of 3 different super-sets, mixing upper and lower body exercises. THIS STYLE KEEPS THE WORKOUT INTENSEEFFECTIVE AND FAST.

  • Exercises can be done with dumbbells, resistance bands and/or barbells. 

  • Keep track of weights used and reps completed, and try to improve each week. This will help build those mommy muscles.

  • track your physical progress with pictures and measurements. 

  • You can also change the workout to a circuit style if you wish for 3 rounds. Meaning complete each exercise one after another for 1 round, rest then repeat.

You got this momma!

Just remember to be kind to yourself and be patient.

Be consistent and results will come!

For more tips check out 10 Tips for Postpartum Weight Loss.

“Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can!”

Hot Momma Workout Program

This is a 3 day workout program designed to BUILD MUSCLE and BURN FAT. I this workout used during  pregnancy and in the first months of postpartum to help me reach my weight loss goals!

Yes I Want A Hot Mom Bod